Saturday, January 31, 2009

35 weeks...

 The weeks seem to be flying by even though I find myself rather uncomfortable and unable to sleep restfully most nights. There is no doubting she is in there anymore even if all the ultrasounds were inconclusive the little person moving and kicking at my internal organs is hard to ignore. I am most comfortable standing up since I tend to slouch when I sit and she doesn't like the lack of space available when I am slouching. However, I get too tired just standing or moving around constantly. I am starting to throw up a bit again mostly at night so I am trying to stay up long enough for my food to digest which is difficult with a husband who likes me to at least be in the room when he goes to bed at 6/7 and we normally eat about 5:30. I think the poor girl just doesn't have enough room and me adding food doesn't help anything. All my showers are coming up this week. I have my work shower thursday and my family shower on Sat. I am excited but nervous I hate things centered on me I prefer to blend but I am excited for more baby stuff so Doug and I can finally put together a list of things we have to get before baby arrives. We have a crib so she will at least have a place to sleep. 

I had an insane dream the other night. Zatanna was born but I was in such a hurry to get things done. I kept forgetting her places, forgetting to feed her and putting her on surfaces she would fall off of like the fold down baby changers at the store or just the kitchen table. Now I know that I wont do those things in real life but it was weird to dream either way. I woke up oddly enough wishing she was born. Maybe to prove to myself there is no way I would do things like that. 

Anywho, the super bowl is tomorrow I really don't have a team although Doug says if I pick the Cardinals he will kill me. Yes he used those words lovely right..:) He absolutely hates Kurt Warner. Truthfully i will probably only watch for the commercials and being constantly uncomfortable I don't know how much I will pay attention to those. I am a little ADD lately. 

I am torn between wanting her born and not feeling ready. I wouldn't mind my body back to myself. I would love to go to the gym and just feel like I can move again but I definitely want her to be healthy and we are not ready for her just yet so at least a few more weeks I can deal with the uncomfort I think...:)