Sunday, January 11, 2009

33 weeks

We registered at Babies R Us today so Finally our registers are in place...There is some totally adorable stuff out there and then there is also way to much stuff out there sometimes you stand in the aisle and go uh...which one do we need. There are some things that just did not hit the list because we have to know more about her before we can say what we need:) 

I am feeling pretty crappy physically but emotionally I am pretty good. I would love to feel good physically which is a little draining but what can I do there is only two months left. I would love to sit in bed and do nothing all day just because then I wouldn't have to feel winded when I walk from the car to the house :) And You gotta love when you have to go the bathroom every little while and then it takes a bit of effort to get up due to extra baby weight in the front but again I am just being whiny it could be worse, I am doing really very good just whiny.

Doug is of course being adorable. He loves to shop for things for her, he just took the register gun for the clothes and started scanning stuff so I am not sure what all is on there for her but so far he has pretty good tastes. He also is going to sand down the dresser he had when he was younger and get it painted so we can use it in her room. I think that is very neat to have something that he used when he was young that he wants to renovate for her. I am excited to see it completed. 

Anywho, I am trying to put off going to sleep until I get more tired so I don't just lay there for a while. 

Zatanna says hi to everyone she is very squirmy right now I think cuz I am slouching at the computer and she doesn't like that position. Poor thing is probably getting squished. Night all!!