Monday, December 15, 2008

29 weeks!!!

Wow, I don't even know if anyone looks at this anymore since I rarely update it. I can't believe I am in my 29th week...I feel extremely unprepared, I clean a bunch. I woke up at 3am on Friday because I could not stay in bed I just kept thinking of all the things I have to do. It is not usually that bad I just feel weirded out. I am excited to meet Zatanna I really am. She kicks all the time or at least moves around. My stomach is actually pregnant looking so that is nice and I am sure everything will be great but oh my gosh...I am going to be a mom!! Talk about changes...and lack of sleep. :) I think the delivery is what worries me the most though. I figure if I freak myself out know it can't be near as bad as I make myself believe it will be...right?...

Anywho, Zatanna is doing great. I had my glucose test last week the drink wasn't as bad as people make it seem until the aftertaste hit...yuck! I had my second rhogam shot so my blood and hers don't fight each other. We have a checkup on the 23rd and then two weeks later is the 32 week about time flying. I really think I just got pregnant and I am almost done. Next step childbirth classes and baby showers and nursery setup. Right now my tree is taking up her room since Doug is a grump about Christmas so I have to hide it. It is kind of sad I don't get to see it every day since that was one of my favorite things about Christmas but at least I have one. I am actually almost done with my Christmas shopping I only have 2-3 gifts left and there is still one more week until Christmas that is a miracle for me. Anywho, I am off track my stomach feels like I have a brick in it that likes to move around. I knew the belly was going to put equilibrium off I didn't know it was because it almost feels like you are walking around with one of those pillows on and it keeps moving around of its own free will :) but that is still pretty neat too.

Anywho, gotta go finish laundry!