Sunday, November 2, 2008

23 weeks

This week was crazy between my birthday and Halloween there was a lot going on. My belly keeps getting bigger but still not a lot of movement. For those of you who might not know I have an anterior placenta which means it is in front of the baby instead of behind it so I may not get to feel all the kicks that most people do since there is another layer between me and the baby which stinks I had hoped it was moving up like it is supposed to but I don't know when that happens. Doug always tells me he can feel it but...well who knows :) I read about some ladies online who rarely if ever felt the baby move until they were about 30-35 about taking all the fun out of it. Although I hear sometimes it is not that fun being waken up in the middle of the night by kicks and jabs. i still would rather feel it though.
Anywho, I made Doug a chocolate pecan chess pie. Pies are the worst thing in the world to judge doneness especially ones that are a little runny like pecan pies...Some are simple but others there is just no definitive answer...oh well hopefully it is yummy. I used my new mixer so it took all of 5 minutes to make. I wanted to make the crust to use my new rolling pin but alas no pie plate...ugh!