Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I know I am horrible at updating this...

I am officially 22 weeks as of Sunday. I have only felt her kick twice last week so I am still waiting for all the rest of it. The nausea meds are slowly (very slowly) going away but I can't quit them completely or I end up having to call the janitor at work to clean the bathroom and that is no fun!
I can't believe Halloween is almost here better yet that my 28th birthday is Wed....I did not notice until I wrote that..I am 2 years from the big At least I made my goal to be pregnant before I hit 28.  I don't feel like 30 is old anymore but the number looms so much bigger than it should :) I wonder how different things will be by then. I am sure they have to change a bit a new baby doesn't really keep things the same but I am excited for the future. I think that beyond midnight feedings and teething, etc this is a good path to be on and I know that we are ready for it.


Ashlea said...

Have you spoken with your OB about the lack of movement in the baby? Usually by 22 weeks the baby is moving pretty much on a regular basis, unless you're unsure as to what you are feeling/looking for. Maybe it's normal but I thought by 17 weeks it was blatently obvious that the baby would be moving around. Just something to think about! I'm sure it's nothing.