Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 30...8 weeks and 4 days

I haven't posted for a bit because the only thing going on was lots of vomiting. It is absolutely no fun to be sitting in your office and have to run to the ladies to throw up praying the whole time that no one is in there or comes in while you are losing every bit of fluid or scrap of food that is in your system.
Although generally after I eat lunch I have no issues...Generally!
So the baby should be the size of a medium green olive this week. I am assuming that is why I am barfing I hate green olives :) And my uterus is supposed to be the size of a grapefruit. I can't see any difference in the tummy area but there could be and it is just disguised by my overabundant tummy. I have lost three pounds but they say that is normal with all the yacking.
I can't wait to be done with the morning sickness hopefully it leaves like most women's @ 12-13 weeks. That would make me extremely grateful.
In another matter today, Chris Carpenter should be pitching for the Cardinals...I love him and I am thrilled he is back (hopefully to stay we need him!) Go Cardinals!!


Cheryl said...

I sure hope that you feel better soon! Love ya! Aunt Cheryl