Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 22: 7 weeks & 3 days

We went in for an ultrasound yesterday @ 7pm. We got to see the little beans heart beating. It was 126 bpm which the tech said was wonderful. Luckily, the septum just got moved out of the way and is not causing any issues so I have what she referred to as a bicornate uterus where the uterus just dips down a little in the middle like a heart. I am very excited!! It is still so tiny but that little heart was just jumping all over the place. it looked like a badly drawn bunny kicking its feet. I am not sure when our next ultrasound is but I will be very excited when it gets here. Also, I realized that 32 oz they make you drink bupkiss...I drank maybe 16 and told the tech I drank as much as I could keep down she said eh, you are pregnant. So, safe to say I am never drinking what they tell me too again. I don't think they understand that just because 32 oz will fill your bladder doesn't mean you should make someone who already fills like crap feel worse when you don't have to. Anywho, I am still yacking this morning. I ate a popsicle this morning that lasted maybe 10 minutes. I am planning on going to get some cheerios to see if they stay down...Here's hoping.