Friday, August 1, 2008

Aug 1: 8 weeks 6days

I am so tired of being sick...Yesterday on my day off it lasted all day not just until lunch and I realized this could be going on for 6 more weeks. I really just want to cry and to stop throwing up. I am going to try some new things this weekend probably Sea Bands and leaving food beside my bed and eating it before I get up in the morning...we will hope those work. Now if only I could get people to stop wearing perfume and eating pungent food.
I had a drs appt yesterday, we didn't learn anything new really. They tried to hear the heartbeat but I am still not far enough along which they told me would probably happen. Doug liked the new guy probably because he thinks the doctor prefers men so Doug is not as upset by him viewing certain areas. He told us that he "thinks" that with the septum not showing in the second scan that the first scan was misinterpreted as a septum when in reality it may have been blood in the uterus from the spotting. Either way he says everything looks fine now. The doctor told me I could do everything like normal except he left the no sex rule just in case. Doug was not thrilled well neither am I for that matter (sorry TMI).
He also gave us paperwork for the first trimester screening for Downs. I am having issues with this because like the doctor said in his 19 years it has only helped one family be proactive. The others just freak out. And I keep reading about false positives. I just don't know if I want to take a test that could tell me the wrong thing and have Doug freak out for 8 months.
Anywho, we didn't get a pic of the ultrasound. The tech told us the doctor gives them to you and the doctor told us the tech does...Who knows anymore:)