Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas. This pregnancy is flying by I keep thinking about how different things will be next year with a 9 month old. I am pretty excited and I am hoping she doesn't turn out as grinchy as her dad :) He said he liked Christmas when he was young so I figure I have at least a few fun years before I have to worry about that. I hope he will like it more when she is here I think it means something different when there is someone small to make the day about they tend to bring out the best in the season I think. Grownups are hard to buy for and they rarely seem as excited as I think the day warrants  but kids are all about the magic of Christmas. Plus I miss Christmas mornings with just my immediate family waking up early with my brother and sister, yelling down the hall to the parents because we never were allowed out by the tree until everyone was together. Then spending the day playing with whatever we got. I still remember being in the new coat my parents got me sitting at the table playing a new board game with my family and listening to music. I miss it being special not just a day to buy gifts and drop them off to people. Don't get me wrong I love being with family but well there is just something missing and I need it back. I told Doug next year Christmas day is about OUR family. In the morning we will have family over that want to come and do gifts and maybe some breakfast/lunch but other than that it will have to be on another day. The days of splitting up my Christmas day are over after tomorrow. There may be some Christmas nights that I go somewhere but in general I am done. The only part about Christmas I disliked was having to leave my toys to go somewhere else...I have decided if it is important for people to see Zatanna they know where we are and they are welcome to see her anytime but we aren't leaving the house :)

Anywho, I am going to stop being emotional :) We had our 30 week appointment yesterday afternoon. Everything is great. Zatanna's heartbeat is 154 which they said was perfect and my uterus is measuring perfect. Everything being said Zatanna is great and all my tests came back good, no syphilis (I know... this is mandated by the state)  blood sugar was 116 after the test, I got my rhogam shot. All is good and hopefully it stays that way. She moves around a lot lately. Sitting in the passenger seat in the car is always interesting she must not like the position because everytime I sit there she moves right into my rib area and pushes up :) Oh and the heartburn!! I should have asked for tums for christmas. 

So, I am sitting here in the new robe my hubby got me watching Miracle on 34th street and now I think I am going to go wrap the rest of the gifts. I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas!!


Ashlea said...

I think that once you have kids you learn that Christmas isn't about YOU anymore, it's about the kids. Grown-ups are so bogged down with the stress of it all and they become all negative and sad. I wish I could be as excited at Christmastime now as I was as a kid, but having Aidan around really helps. His first three Christmas's he didn't really understand what was going on. This is the first year he knew who Santa was and totally ripped into his presents without help from any of us. And the look on his face each time was priceless. It made all that Ebay shopping and fighting the crowds at the stores completely worth it.

I'm sure Doug will come around. :o)