Thursday, August 7, 2008

Aug 7: 9 weeks 5 days

So, I made an amazing discovery yesterday. I was supposed to go out with some ladies from work during lunch and from about 8-10:40am I could not stop throwing up and the thought of food made me ill. at 10:40am I decided I was going to chew a piece of gum and 2 hours later I was hungry and not throwing up. I went and had a great lunch with no issues. The gum kept the nausea away all day and this morning when I woke up I chewed on a piece and only had two small issues which is a MAJOR change from throwing up every time something touched my lips. Now my only problem is my mouth is getting tired of chewing and there is only so much winterfresh a person can stand :) but merciful it has been nice not to puke and to get to eat and enjoy food! I had fruit this morning kiwis and yummy.
Now the only issue is I asked my doc for anti nausea meds and they want to see me in the office to see how much weight I have lost (6 pounds as of the 31st probably a little more since then)before they give me something. I guess I will call and tell them I am going to try this chewing gum thing for a while and see what happens. I don't want to buy a prescription if I don't have to but at the same time if this stops working it would be nice to have them...I wish I knew if the worst was over.