Thursday, August 28, 2008

Aug 28...12 weeks and 4 days

This morning I feel pretty good. Still not wanting to work all day on cleaning and packing but what can you do:) I don't think it is fair that the cats get to laze around all day. They are setting a bad example...
I have an appt today at 3pm. I hope they can actually hear the heartbeat with the doppler this time because the u/s is in the other office and I really don't want to freak out until I get to my next appt on the 4th.
The chewables are going pretty good so far although since Ashlea told me they caused her heartburn I am beginning to wonder if that has been the problem the last two nights. Luckily, I only notice it until I wake up in the morning but I will stay on these until I get to the next doc maybe it will even out besides Doug always says I think that whatever sde effects other people have with pills I get them to. I am a bit of a hypochondriac with pills that way. I really am not a fan but I keep telling myself this is for the baby... I told him he should take vitamins too because the book said then we are both healthier, he keeps getting upset with me about mine but I haven't seen him take anything :)
There are two things I am waiting expectantly for in this preganancy the baby bump...which right now just looks like fat rolls that may be merging together...and the baby movement oh and three the gender :)
Anywho, I can't wait until this upcoming drive is over. I want to drag a port a potty behind me so I don't have to pull off the road if I need to pee, vomit or whatever else may be an issue that day.