Saturday, August 23, 2008

Aug 23rd

Yesterday was my last day in the Malvern office. It was Friday so not many people were in but it was a fun day. Today I am starting to feel the I could eat anything portion of pregnancy I think. Everything looks good. I was so close to ordereing ribs this afternoon except $17 is a lot of money for lunch. Today was the first day someone touched my stomach without warning...I wasn't upset but it surprised the heck out of me. I thought she was trying to punch me in the stomach lightly and say "dough boy" :) Plus right now it is just my fat so nothing interesting at all. I don't know that I will ever get upset about it just not used to it. Well unless someone you don't know just reaches for it that could be weird. Doug was pretty sick with a sinus headache this morning. I am very glad that by the end of the day he was feeling good. We were worried it was the flu or something and I don't want to be sick. 


Ashlea said...

Ug! I hate it when people touched my stomach when I was pregnant with Aidan. It's ok if you invite them to do so, but people were like grabbing my tummy at work. Not fun. Now I just get everyone saying, "You don't even look pregnant." Blah!