Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Aug 20: 11 weeks 4 days

Well I believe the nausea is gone...Yeah!! But now gas, bloating etc. Still way better than vomiting. The 18th the people at work threw me a gooing away/baby party. It was very cute and I got lots of presents which I will include on here once I write them all down some of the things I remember are onesies, a few outfits, the cutest socks and booties, a blanket, a fingernail set, nasal aspirator, hangers, a rubber ducky that says hot if the bath water is too hot, baby einstein take along tunes and some other stuff. It was very sweet!! I am starting to realize that there are a lot of people here I will miss. I was so excited to be going home I didn't think of all the great people I have met over the last year. I am a little emotional today so I am trying not to think about it too much especially since there is two days to go and it is not like I can never talk to them again. I have always been very fortunate to work with some great people. Anywho, this blog isn't about me per se but the baby journey and that is going great. I woke up at midnight remembering I did not take my prenatal and just positive I was causing harm to the baby. I could not go to sleep until I took it. I have been having the weirdest dreams lately. I keep going out with past crushes...very odd but I hear vivid weird dreams can happen during pregnancy all that stuff on your brain. :)


Ashlea said...

When I was pregnant with Aidan, a few weeks before I gave birth I had this very vivid dream that he was talking to me, but with a Spanish accent. I think I got that from a Dane Cook stand-up act, but still it was so weird!