Friday, August 15, 2008

Aug 15: 10 weeks 6 days

Yesterday was insane. I went to work only to throw up four times the first hour and a half I was there. I knew I couldn't deal anymore so I called my dr made an appt for 3:30pm and worked from home the rest of the day. I decided to weigh myself when I got home and I had lost 15 pounds since I found out I was pregnant so I figured yeah I need something. I went to the dr and after I gave him a urine sample that barely filled the bottom the dr came in put some on a stick and said "you are very dehydrated" which meant I got to go to the ER for 4 hours worth of fluids!! We left the doctor at 4:25 was at the hopsital by 4:30pm did not get a room until 8:30 and after all is said and done we left the ER @ 1 in the morning. This morning I am horribly tired but no vomit, I can eat and I actually am craving water. Which is great but even if I wasn't Doug is pretty much determined that he will make sure I drink 2 liters of water a day. I definitely don't want to do that again so hopefully, this craving water thing will continue. I hate peeing every two minutes but again much better than 4 hours of IV fluid. They couldn't find my veins so I got poked 3 times!! The inside of my elbows looks like a pin cushion :)
Hurrah, its Friday!! One more week to go in this office and a week later it is off to the STL! I am thrilled beyond measure to be going home. I know if I was at home Doug would not have had to suffer through 8 hours of the ER because I could have found people to stay with me who didn;t look like they were going to throw up when she stuck the IV in my arm and look worse when they have to try again:) He was very cute about the whole thing. He complained a bunch but for him just the staying was a major deal and I was happy to have him there. Although I seriously had to ground him from the call button.


Ashlea said...

Mark is the same way when we go to the doctor/hospital. He complains a lot but then I sometimes have to keep him from calling the doctor or nurses a million times!! It's just their manly way of showing they care and/or their concerned.

Next time you have to go to the hospital, make sure to call me! I'll wait around with you and needles don't bug me at all!! :o)