Friday, July 11, 2008

5w 6d

We took a blood test and had an ultrasound done because of the spotting. Luckily, the doctor said everything looks good!! So, that is great news.
The ultrasound was the full bladder kind and on the way to the hospital I had to have Doug pull over so I could use the restroom. I hate those tests, I seriously was going to wet myself. Luckily, I still had enough in my system when we got there so it was all good. I have another one next week before my OB exam so I will know not to drink so much water that far in advance my bladder doesn't deal well with that.
She also said I have what is called a uterine septum. It is hard to explain but it can cause 2 separate chambers in the uterus instead of one giving less space for the baby leading to pre term labor. I will explain more after I see the doctor next Thursday.
I started to feel really nauseous last night. I was fine when I woke up but I just ate a bit of muffin and I am feeling it again. Which is sad cause I would really like to eat the rest of the muffin but do NOT want to be sick. I am going to see if it goes away and I get hungry again.