Wednesday, April 1, 2009

4 weeks

I can't believe she is already 4 weeks old. She is growing pretty quick. It is amazing to watch the changes how she started out just crying and sleeping and now she is awake for hours at a time and reacts to us with facial expressions.  She just gets cuter and harder to take care of :) She is much more clingy during the day eating every 2.5-3 hours and does not want to be put down unless it is right next to you so she can stare at the plaid design on the couch. At night she usually goes about 5 hours in between feedings which is nice. I find it hard to go to sleep before the feeding between 10-12pm so when she decides 5am is time for mom and her to start the day it is a very long morning until Doug gets home around noon. He is very good about taking her and giving me time to do other things most of the time and he takes the early feedings on his day off which is awesome. 

I am finally over the majority of the emotions I think. I have felt pretty good besides the tired for the last week or so. I don't worry quite as much as I did when she first got home. It was awful, every thing that can possibly happen to a person I worried would happen to her and I hated that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it besides teach her how to be cautious and strong. 

I think so far the hardest thing (again besides the tired) is watching her struggle to go to the bathroom. It is completely normal I hear but it is so sad to watch her struggle and scream. 

Anywho, I hope to keep this up weekly at least so that I can keep track of the new things in her life hopefully I will actually do it.