Wednesday, July 2, 2008


After 5 years of marriage, Doug finally decided he wanted a child a few months ago. I began to keep track of my cycles and realized why there were so many months I thought I might be pregnant. I have anywhere between a 35-39 day cycle. My LMP was on May 31, 2008. 15 days later Doug was on a mission to have a baby. I was a little nervous, I just went from not yet to right now and was having a hard time changing my mindset. I was told a while back that to help stop bladder infections I should make sure I use the ladies room after such activities so I did and Doug was sure I had washed out all his guys. (I was pretty sure it was not that easy or we would have a lot less unexpected babies.) I told Doug we hadn't been trying long enough to have to avoid using the bathroom or laying on the couch with my feet up in the air for an undetermined amount of time :) Well, I was right. Here we are almost 3 weeks later and I just got the blood results yeterday that I am going to be a mom around March 7, 2009. Since they start from your last period I am 4 weeks and 3 days along or in my 5th week. I am tired a lot, a little queasy but nothing major and the boobs are beginning to fill out ( I am already an F so this part I am not thrilled about). They say that 6-8 weeks is when you really start to feel it so we will just have to see. I was worried last night when I got up to pee that the Morning Sickness was starting because I was a bit queasy but eventually it eased up when I laid back down and this morning I was alright.
It is odd but I think the emotion I feel more than happiness or excitement is peace although I have both the other emotions as well as a lot of worries. From what I hear that is not going to ever go away though from the time she is a tadpole until I pass away I will always worry about her. Yes, I am calling it a her. I don't know scientifically what the baby is going to be but I know that from the time I was a young woman I have believed I was going to have a girl first. I would be thrilled with a boy also which is why we have two baby names and not just one. Until I know for sure though from her on I will refer to the baby as he/she. If it did turn out to be a boy I do not want my son to think for one minute I would have preferred a girl because it is not a preference merely a thought I have had.
We have chosen two names. For a girl, Zatanna Quinn Penny. I saw it on a website and I told Doug I thought it was pretty. He said that would be awesome if we used that name because it is the name of a semi superhero in the DC comic books. He even had to find the episode of Justice League she is on to show it to me again. I was just happy to have a name that was not Arcade. I am sure Arcade would be a cute name for someone else's baby but not mine. For a boy, Logen (still debating on middle names) I liked Logan and Doug said only if we spelled it with an e instead of an a. That worked for me. Doug is big on naming them after characters in books or comics he has read and making sure they are not in the Top 100 list of baby names.
I am about 3 weeks behind his good friend, Ashlea Skipper, it will be nice to have someone to go through it all with. She told Doug once we find out they are not the same sex she is going to draw up arranged marriage papers...:) We just went to Ashlea's wedding on June 20th to Mark Skipper. It was a great time. Watching Mark run alongside the car to smoke a cigarette had to be one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. They are a very cute and fun couple.
Doug took me out to Friday's last night when we got the news. We were seated next to an old laptop that was bolted to the walls he started talking about how he could probably pop the keys off and I suggested he could take the Z for Zatanna and keep it as a souvenir of our celebration dinner so he did...He was thinking about stealing the L too but the z was way more convenient :) Either way I couldn't believe he did but I thought it was neat ( note: I do not condone stealing in general :) )